30 November 2008

Day 30 of Nano

I finished tonight. I actually reached 50,000 last night, but the novel wasn't done. Luckily I had today to really finish it.

54942 / 50000 words. 110% done!

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my time now that I'm not writing every day.

05 November 2008

Day 5 of Nano 2008

The 2008 Nano Marathon Writing Weekend is over and done. I picked Ang up at the airport on Saturday afternoon and after feeding us in St. Louis, we headed back to Columbia with a stop at the pet store to get food for Griffin. We talked for a while when we got to my house, but then the 4 day marathon writing started. Ang flew back to Michigan late yesterday afternoon. When she left she had reached 20k and I was over 15k. Not bad. What's even more amazing is that we did all of this writing at my house! We didn't go to a coffee shop once, except a quick walk-through of one downtown in the quest for a molasses cookie.

So after five days of writing (though I'm not sure I can really count today since I didn't even write 1000 words) I am 33% done. I don't think I've ever been this far ahead this early in the game. I like my plot this year, which makes it easy to write, and of course it helps when you have someone writing alongside you and pushing you.

I just hope that I can keep it up now that I'm on my own. But not tonight. I am tired.