06 January 2012

Blogging Goals for 2012

Now that the first week of 2012 is over and done with, I figured that I better make some goals for this blog.  Considering that I've not done much with this blog, I'm starting small.  If all goes well then next year I'll have loftier goals.  

So here goes:
  1. Write and post at least one book review a month. Yeah, I know that's not much but considering I've yet to actually write a review that's worth posting, I figured I should start small.  If I do more, great.  But I should be able to at least do one review in a month.
  2. Participate in at least one weekly book blogging event.  I'm thinking that Teaser Tuesdays hosted by Should Be Reading would be a good place to start. 
  3. Participate in a couple of challenges.  I've already signed up for one: the Soul Screamers (Re-)Reading Challenge hosted by Rachel at fiktshun.  So yay me!  Not only will this allow me to re-read the Soul Screamers books (which I've been wanting to do), but it will also (hopefully) get me to write reviews as well so that my first goal will be taken care of too.  :)  I've also signed up for the reading challenge on Goodreads which I participated in this year.  Last year's goal was to read 125 books and I surpassed that (though a lot of those books were novellas so it's a little misleading in that I didn't read almost 130+ full-length books).  This year I upped my goal to 130.  I'll see where I stand in June, but considering all of the books that I have in my TBR pile, not to mention the number of sequels coming out this year that I'm looking forward to reading, I don't think I'll have a problem finding books to read.  ;)  
So that's it.  Three goals.  If I can't manage to meet those then I have no business doing this blogging thing.

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