I finished tonight. I actually reached 50,000 last night, but the novel wasn't done. Luckily I had today to really finish it.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my time now that I'm not writing every day.
30 November 2008
Day 30 of Nano
05 November 2008
Day 5 of Nano 2008
The 2008 Nano Marathon Writing Weekend is over and done. I picked Ang up at the airport on Saturday afternoon and after feeding us in St. Louis, we headed back to Columbia with a stop at the pet store to get food for Griffin. We talked for a while when we got to my house, but then the 4 day marathon writing started. Ang flew back to Michigan late yesterday afternoon. When she left she had reached 20k and I was over 15k. Not bad. What's even more amazing is that we did all of this writing at my house! We didn't go to a coffee shop once, except a quick walk-through of one downtown in the quest for a molasses cookie.
So after five days of writing (though I'm not sure I can really count today since I didn't even write 1000 words) I am 33% done. I don't think I've ever been this far ahead this early in the game. I like my plot this year, which makes it easy to write, and of course it helps when you have someone writing alongside you and pushing you.
I just hope that I can keep it up now that I'm on my own. But not tonight. I am tired.